
(Lots Of Ridiculous Toolbars Using Gtk+)
Screen Shot

 Bug Reports


Lortug is a scriptable toolbar application.  What this means is that you write scripts describing the layout and what you want the toolbars to do and Lortug creates the toolbars.  Generally the toolbar components run shell commands when activated, but if this were all it did it wouldn't be too exciting.  You can also use the state of various toolbar components (ie the contents of a text box or whether a toggle button is up or down) to influence what shell commands are run and what arguments they use. Lortug used to be known as ControlFreak but the name had to be changed due to trademark problems.


Lortug requires the following:


The current release is  1.0.


Read the INSTALL file in the distribution for more info.  The simplest way to do it is to un-compress the archive file and then do the usual configure/make/make install.  More specifically, type the following at a command line: The final step will probably require you to be the root user.  The "x.x" should be replaced with the version number for the version that you downloaded.


The documentation for lortug is available online and is contained in the "doc" directory of the source package. In a nutshell you just have to type "lortug [script name]" where [script name] is the name of a script file describing the toolbars you want created (see the documentation for info on how to write script files).  There are also sample scripts in the "samples" directory of the distribution.

Bug Reports

Best case scenario: you fix it and send me a patch.  If you don't want to do this then send a bug-report to  me  and I'll see what I can do about fixing it.


Lortug is released under the GPL so you're free to use and modify it however you see fit as long as you release any changes you make to it.


My name's Brett Hall.  I created Lortug because I wanted something that does what Lortug does, but I couldn't find anything that really worked the way I wanted it to.  I can be reached by  email .